If you need assistance with any of the services below, please let us know by calling us at 507-452-4440 or submitting a form here.

Crisis Advocacy and Direct Support
Active and Empathetic listening to hear stories of survivors, safety planning, brainstorming options for survivors, connecting survivors to other community resources.

Emergency Shelter and Relocation Services
Assisting with shelter and connecting survivors with distant relatives or support networks.

Support Group Network
The ACW provides educational and emotional support to adult victims/survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault through various Support Groups. Social emotional support for youth through support groups are also available. Childcare and transportation arrangements can be made.
Contact: program@advocacywinona.org

Legal Advocacy and Justice Assistance
Short Coordinate with victim, law enforcement, and legal prosecution team following an arrest. Attending court with or instead of survivors. Preparing legal protective orders with survivors.

Accompaniment and Intervention
Short Accompaniment to sex assault exams, law enforcement reporting, and prosecution interviews. Meeting with landlords, school officials, or employers to develop community strategies for safety. Meetings with Workforce Center and social services to help clients begin reclaiming their life.